A Sticky One

  • I have a table named Test_Results that contains A_Test_Result which is related to an equipment table by a field Equip_ID, the Equipment table contains details of equipment that needs testing. The test results are many to one Equipment. I need to extract the last A_Test_Result for all of the equipment.

    Thank you for your assistance

  • - can you define "last" ?

    does your table Test_Results contain a column with datetime of registration ?

    - can you post both tables DDL ?

    Edited by - alzdba on 12/30/2003 01:49:01 AM


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  • create table Test_Results

    (Equip_ID int,

    A_Test_Result varchar(50),

    Test_Date datetime)

    insert into Test_Results values (1, 'test11', getdate())

    insert into Test_Results values (1, 'test12', getdate())

    insert into Test_Results values (2, 'test21', getdate())

    insert into Test_Results values (2, 'test22', getdate())

    create table Equipment (Equip_ID int, Equip_name varchar(50))

    insert into Equipment values (1, 'Equip1')

    insert into Equipment values (2, 'Equip2')





    fromEquipment E join Test_Results T on E.Equip_ID = T.Equip_ID

    whereTest_Date = (select max(Test_Date)

    fromTest_Results T1 where T.Equip_ID = T1.Equip_ID)




  • quote:

    create table Test_Results

    (Equip_ID int,

    A_Test_Result varchar(50),

    Test_Date datetime)

    insert into Test_Results values (1, 'test11', getdate())

    insert into Test_Results values (1, 'test12', getdate())

    insert into Test_Results values (2, 'test21', getdate())

    insert into Test_Results values (2, 'test22', getdate())

    create table Equipment (Equip_ID int, Equip_name varchar(50))

    insert into Equipment values (1, 'Equip1')

    insert into Equipment values (2, 'Equip2')





    fromEquipment E join Test_Results T on E.Equip_ID = T.Equip_ID

    whereTest_Date = (select max(Test_Date)

    fromTest_Results T1 where T.Equip_ID = T1.Equip_ID)



    That has got it, thank you again.

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