A "special" stored procedure problem

  • Hi guys! I'm not saying that actually have a problem... 😛

    I have this table: ID(int) | START(datetime) | STOP(datetime) lets call it DELAYS

    I have this input "parameters": START, STOP, STEP (in hours) the parameters to call for ex: SELECT * FROM myStorProc(START, STOP, STEP);


    I want to achieve the below return; with the input START: 1. october 2013 00:00 STOP: 1. october 2013 23:59 STEP: 1h

    HOUR(of day) | DURATION(in minutes)

    0 | 10

    1 | 60

    2 | 41

    3 | 0

    .... (continue)

    23 | 20


    The problem I'm facing; I have never worked with SQL server stored procedure and I'm kinda newbie on this section.

    And the 2nd problem is that for example a record in my table can start at let's say 1 and somethng and finish at 2 and something... in my case where the step is set to 1h the duration in this case cant be more than 60min... the other portion of time must be considered in the other hour ie. 2h. Also 0 (ZERO) durations must be displayed, can also happen that no delays are present for few hours 🙂

    Studyng the case the can be 4 different cases of HOUR to be aware of:

    1. delay start at time and finish at she same HOUR

    2. delay start HOUR-1 before HOUR and finish at HOUR

    3. -- same as 2. but opposite

    4. delay start BEFORE and finish AFTER HOUR... meaning the max amount possible 60 min (in case of step 1h, step 2h max will be 120min)


    1 2 3





    Can someone be so kind and give me a draft, source code is fully requested as this will be my first stored procedure.

    Thanks Luka

  • So far I implemented this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE myStoProc(@start datetime, @stop datetime, @step int)


    SELECT *



  • Please provide a sample table with sample data and expected outputs. We can't help easily based on verbal descriptions.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • This is my table


    [DELAY_CNT] [dbo].[LongInt] NOT NULL,

    [START_DELAY] [dbo].[DTimeNull] NULL,

    [END_DELAY] [dbo].[DTimeNull] NULL)

    Some data...

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (0,'2013-06-15 13:25:02','2013-09-24 14:57:26');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (1,'2013-06-15 13:25:02','2013-06-16 13:25:03');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (2,'2013-06-16 13:25:02','2013-06-16 13:30:02');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (3,'2013-06-16 13:25:02','2013-06-16 13:45:02');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (4,'2013-06-17 11:26:57','2013-06-17 12:16:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (5,'2013-06-18 13:26:57','2013-06-18 13:44:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (6,'2013-06-19 17:09:57','2013-06-19 17:26:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (7,'2013-06-20 13:26:57','2013-06-20 15:26:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (8,'2013-06-21 13:26:57','2013-06-21 13:56:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (9,'2013-06-24 13:26:57','2013-06-24 13:21:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (10,'2013-06-25 13:26:57','2013-06-25 13:56:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (11,'2013-06-26 13:09:57','2013-06-26 13:16:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (12,'2013-06-27 13:26:57','2013-06-23 13:51:57');

    insert into [dbo].[DLY_DELAY]([DELAY_CNT],[START_DELAY],[END_DELAY]) values (13,'2013-06-28 13:26:57','2013-06-28 13:56:57');

    The expected result is in the attachment.

    I'll integrate the result into Crystal Report.

    But first of all I need row data... I know there are many ways to get data correctty... but in my case I'm forced to use SP!

    I need a simple table output with two columns like this:




    - Can be 00-23 and goes like this 0, 1, 2, ... (@step=1) or for example 0, 2, 4, ... (@step=2)... and so on...


    - an be from 0-(@step*60)

    - where no delay is present DURATION=0

    Thanks, Luka

  • The corresponding Oracle solution of my problem.

    There are actually 2 functions; one doing the number HOUR (==@step) and the other GetIntervalDuration do the select and calculates the DELAY :w00t:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetIntervalDuration(startdate in DATE, step in number) RETURN NUMBER IS

    duration NUMBER(24,10);

    CURSOR cDuration is

    select a.c1+b.c1+c.c1+d.c1


    ( SELECT coalesce(sum(end_delay - start_delay)*1440,0) as c1

    FROM stp_stoppage

    WHERE start_delay >= startdate

    AND end_delay <= startdate + step) a


    ( SELECT coalesce(sum(startdate + step - start_delay)*1440,0) as c1

    FROM stp_stoppage

    WHERE start_delay >= startdate

    AND start_delay < startdate + step

    AND end_delay > startdate + step) b


    ( SELECT coalesce(sum(end_delay - startdate)*1440,0) as c1

    FROM stp_stoppage

    WHERE start_delay < startdate

    AND end_delay <= startdate + step

    AND end_delay > startdate) c


    ( SELECT coalesce(sum(step)*1440,0) as c1

    FROM stp_stoppage

    WHERE start_delay < startdate

    AND end_delay > startdate + step) d



    OPEN cDuration;

    FETCH cDuration INTO duration;

    CLOSE cDuration;

    RETURN duration;





    -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise


    END GetIntervalDuration;


    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetDelayIntervalData(startdate in DATE, enddate in DATE, step in number) RETURN DelayChatReportTable IS

    tempTable DelayChatReportTable;

    indexCycle number;

    i number;

    cycleMaxNo number;

    temp1 number;

    tempDate date;

    hourInitial number;

    tempStep number(24,10);

    labelNo int;

    tempLabelDay date;

    temp2 int;


    tempStep := step / 24;

    tempTable := DelayChatReportTable();

    tempDate := startdate;

    temp1 := enddate - startdate;

    temp1 := temp1 / tempStep;

    cycleMaxNo := round(temp1);

    select to_number(to_char(startdate, 'HH24')) into hourInitial from dual;

    indexCycle := 1;

    tempLabelDay := startdate;

    labelNo := hourInitial;

    for i in 1..cycleMaxNo



    if (tempStep >= 1) then begin

    select to_number(to_char(tempLabelDay, 'DD')) into labelNo from dual;

    temp2 := labelNo;



    if (labelNo > 23) then temp2 := (labelNo) mod 24 ; else temp2 :=labelNo; end if;

    end if;

    tempTable(indexCycle) := DelayChatReport(temp2, GetIntervalDuration(tempDate, tempStep));

    tempDate := tempDate + tempStep;

    indexCycle := indexCycle + 1;

    if (tempStep >= 1) then

    tempLabelDay := tempLabelDay + tempStep;


    labelNo := labelNo + step;

    end if;


    return tempTable;





    -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise


    END GetDelayIntervalData;

  • I am sorry Luka, but I still have no idea what you need here. Your data doesn't match the graphic you gave (which covers 2010-03-26 06:00 through 2010-03-27 06:00), you have a weird data point (the first one) which spans over 3 months, I don't know what delay_cnt is nor @step=1, @step=2, etc.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • TheSQLGuru (11/21/2013)

    I am sorry Luka, but I still have no idea what you need here. Your data doesn't match the graphic you gave (which covers 2010-03-26 06:00 through 2010-03-27 06:00), you have a weird data point (the first one) which spans over 3 months, I don't know what delay_cnt is nor @step=1, @step=2, etc.

    Forget about that, is the parser which removes blank _ spaces :hehe:

    I'll post a new topic with some working SQL source 😉

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