A Sneak Peak at Windows 2003

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/sjones/asneakpeakatwindows2003.asp

  • "Printers - Who cares? If you do on your SQL box, take your hand, put it in front of you palm up and smack yourself on the forehead. Don't put printers on your SQL box."

    Good laugh! Thanks!

    Agree with your comments on the scripting available with PerfMon. I will be really excited if it really does integrate and allows for SQL Server to be a destination. Stored baseline information. Cool!

    I personally find the shadow copy functionality intriguing. Not sure that I trust it - or even the idea in the way that it works with SQL Server - buffering transactions - but, intriguing none the less. I would definitely stay with the proven methods of moving data in production for a long time before I looked to shadow copy though.

    Thanks for the review / summary!




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • You didn't mention performance. I read in another quick review that Server 2003 is roughly 2x in this. Don't know where that applies - network, file system? But I'm hoping.

    Thanks for the article.


  • Thanks for the comments. I didn't get into the performance aspects since I haven't actually done the testing. We have genrously received a license from MS (thank!) for W2K3 here at SQL Server Central.com and we will (hopefully) be doing some benchmarking on performance. Hopefully the upgrade will work (crossed fingers), so keep an eye peeled for the results.

    Steve Jones




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