A simple question

  • Dear fellow SQL team,

    Thanks for looking into my question.

    I have a simple question.

    How do I find out if a Windows login is disabled in SQL Server or not.

    I can use master.sys.sql_logins.is_disabled for SQL Logins. But Not able to figure it out for Windows logins.

    Please help.


  • You can't disable a Windows login, but you can revoke the CONNECT permission.


  • Just to be clear here...

    You can't disable the actual Windows Login from SQL Server (well, you can but only if the server has Domain Admin privs and you really know how to use xp_CmdShell and NET USER, etc) [font="Arial Black"]BUT [/font]you can disable a Windows Login that has been "registered" on SQL Server and only on the SQL Server. It won't feed back to the Windows AD server.

    The problem is that you're not finding the Windows Logins by using sys.sql_logins because it's only designed to "Returns one row for every SQL Server authentication login."


    What you really need to be using to find disabled logins on the SQL Server is sys.server_principals, which will list all logins and other server level principles.


    If you want to find Windows Authentication Logins on SQL Server that are no longer valid in Windows AD, make a call to sp_validatelogins.


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