a sequence of DateTime values

  • I have a sequence of DateTime values that are written every minutes into the db:

    IMEI, Date

    3 2009-12-10 11:49:09.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:30:08.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:31:07.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:44:15.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:45:12.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:46:12.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:47:14.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:48:14.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:49:15.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:50:13.000

    I need to represent them as:

    3 2009-12-10 11:49:09.000 2009-12-10 11:49:09.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:30:08.000 2009-12-10 14:31:07.000

    3 2009-12-10 14:44:15.000 2009-12-10 14:50:13.000


  • Can you be more specific and explain how you decide which values to show and which values not to show? How do you decide which records should be grouped by together? Also can you post the table’s creation scrip and the insert statements to the table to make it easier for the people that are trying to help you?


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  • Ok. here it the script to populate data:

    create table #t (IMEI int, Date datetime)

    insert into #t


    3, '20091210 11:49:09.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:30:08.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:31:07.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:44:15.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:45:12.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:46:12.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:47:14.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:48:14.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:49:15.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:50:13.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:51:14.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:52:15.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:53:17.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 14:59:17.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:24:06.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:25:09.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:26:09.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:27:20.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:28:16.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:29:06.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:30:08.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:31:12.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:32:14.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:33:08.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:35:24.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:37:31.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:38:14.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:39:15.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:40:14.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:41:15.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:42:13.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:43:07.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:49:09.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:50:16.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:54:09.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 17:58:07.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 18:00:17.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 18:03:18.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 18:14:09.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 19:04:10.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 19:05:11.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 19:21:13.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 19:22:08.000'

    union select

    3, '20091210 19:23:13.000'

  • We are grouping values that are written in a sequence of 1 minute, for this values we are show start datetime of a sequence and end datetime of sequence. For example, the following datetime values are written in a sequence:

    2009-12-10 14:44:15.000

    2009-12-10 14:45:12.000

    2009-12-10 14:46:12.000

    2009-12-10 14:47:14.000

    2009-12-10 14:48:14.000

    2009-12-10 14:49:15.000

    2009-12-10 14:50:13.000

    2009-12-10 14:51:14.000

    2009-12-10 14:52:15.000

    2009-12-10 14:53:17.000

    So we should show them as 2009-12-10 14:44:15.000 2009-12-10 14:53:17.000

    If the there is a gap then we should show gaps in both columns like

    2009-12-10 11:49:09.000 2009-12-10 11:49:09.000

    Hope it's clear now.

  • What about an explanation about how to know which values should be discarded and which values should be on the same records?


    EDIT - Posted the question before I saw Hal's third post

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  • There is a contradiction between the explanation and the example. I fallowed the explanation. In my code check for difference that is above 60 seconds. I used 2 common table expressions in order to find the boundaries of the islands and assign a row number to each boundary. Then I joined both CTEs using the value that I got in the row_number function. I have to admit that I’m sure that there are better ways to get this information. Maybe if I’ll have more time later, I’ll try to improve it.

    ;with LowerBoundry as (

    select date, row_number() over (order by date) as RowNum

    from #t as t

    where not exists (SELECT date from #t as t2 where t.date > t2.date and datediff(ss,t2.date,t.date) <= 60)),

    UpperBoundry as (

    select Date, row_number() over (order by date) as RowNum

    from #t as t

    where not exists (SELECT date from #t as t2 where t.date < t2.date and datediff(ss,t.date,t2.date) <= 60))

    select LB.date, UB.date

    from LowerBoundry LB inner join UpperBoundry UB ON LB.RowNum = UB.RowNum

    order by LB.Date


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