A Simple Tutorial for DML Triggers

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item A Simple Tutorial for DML Triggers

  • I hate to say it, but this has a terrible example. Your first trigger, Trigger_Insert makes the assumption that the INSERT only ever contains one row, which is simply not the case. That trigger won't work correctly if 2 or more rows are INSERTed. Assigning values to variables from the inserted/deleted pseudo-table is a common, but fatal mistake.

    Take these INSERT statements:

    INSERT INTO dbo.Person (ID,
    VALUES (1, 'John', 37);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Person (ID,
    VALUES (2, 'Jane', 137);
    --Might fails, might work
    INSERT INTO dbo.Person (ID,
    VALUES (3, 'Greg', 131),
    (4, 'Hannah', 29);
    --Might fails, might work
    INSERT INTO dbo.Person (ID,
    VALUES (5, 'Sam', 18),
    (6, 'Samantha', 142);

    For the above, in a fiddle, the row for Samantha, who is an age of 142, the insert works: db<>fiddle

    Also, not to mention, I'm really not a fan of just doing a ROLLBACK in the trigger. This produces a somewhat vage error:

    Msg 3609, Level 16, State 1, Line 57

    The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

    This doesn't tell the end user what the problem was, or anything informative. You would be much better off THROWing an error, with a meaningful message. There's no need for the ROLLBACK in the TRIGGER as the outer scope should already be handling the transaction.

    For your trigger Trigger_Insert, though a CHECK CONSTRAINT would be a much better idea (ignoring that age is a bad value to store over date of birth, as this is an example), I would write the definition as something like this:

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[Trigger_Insert] ON [dbo].[Person]

    --If a single row with a value of 130 or more exists throw as error, otherwise insert as normal.
    IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Inserted WHERE Age >= 130)
    THROW 56789, N'Insert on table ''dbo.Person'' failed in the trigger ''dbo.Trigger_Insert''. The age of a person cannot be greater than or equal to 130.', 16;
    INSERT INTO PersonLog (PersonID,
    FROM inserted;

    This causes the 2 INSERT statements with ages greater than 130 to error as well: db<>fiddle



    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I appreciate you taking the time to provide examples to explain triggers.

    You did mention "Try to avoid time-consuming operations in the trigger" yet you make use of creating temporary tables as in


    SELECT PersonID,AddDate into #pel from PersonLog

    There is no telling how huge personLog can be (it is a log table) and to create it for every call that creates an update is not something I view as favorable. Imagine a high traffic website that is constantly updating records, this would not pass a code review.

    I would alter your advise to state that you have to avoid time consuming operations in a trigger. If there is more needed it should be part of a procedure (stored procedure call).




  • I too was wondering why the temp table. I've had to create several AFTER INSERT/UPDATE triggers and never even considered adding a  temp table to the process. I Just use teh INSERTED & DELETED tables and then what ever tables being inserted or updated. Even have had to do a few INSTEAD OF Triggers. After reading this (but not the replies) I was wondering if maybe I was doing it wrong.

    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • Thank you for your suggestions and replies

  • I use a temp table for multi-value updating by trigger

  • Vincent92 wrote:

    I use a temp table for multi-value updating by trigger

    What is your reason for doing that? What functionality or performance benefit does the temporary provide over not using one (and going straight to the inserted/deleted object)?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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