A "rename files" script needed

  • This is a VB or other scripting question, not SQL:  need a script that will allow me to rename files that end with "OK" to the name without the "OK".  For example, an ASCII file named ABC.0001OK, I want to rename to ABC.0001.  I would want to rename all files in a given folder like this. 

    ABC.0001OK to ABC.0001,  ABC.0002OK to ABC.0002, etc.

    Does anyone have a script that they would like to share?

  •  Option Explicit


         Const cVBS = "renamer.vbs"

         Const cPRE = "OK"

         Const cEXT = "XML"

          Const cFOL = "c:\NACHA\"


         Dim strFIL

         Dim strGFI

         Dim intMOV

             intMOV = 0


         Dim objFSO

         Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

         Dim objGFO

         Set objGFO = objFSO.GetFolder(cFOL)

         Dim objGFI

         Set objGFI = objGFO.Files

         For Each strGFI in objGFI

             strFIL = strGFI.Name

     If Instr(strFIL,cPRE) >= 1 Then

                 intMOV = intMOV + 1

                  objFSO.MoveFile strGFI, Replace(strGFI,"OK","") 

             End If




         Set objGFI = Nothing

         Set objGFO = Nothing

         Set objFSO = Nothing


         MsgBox intMOV & " files renamed",vbInformation,cVBS

    Modify according to your needs.




  • You can use this to limit the file extension

    And UCase(Right(strFIL,Len(cEXT))) = cEXT Then



  • This is perfect.  Thanks ever so much.

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