A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file

  • Sorry changed my reply as I didn't see the second page of comments

  • Try to track down either a very large amount of data being inserted (you may have to ask around to see if anyone did this).

    The culprit could also be a new or modified insert query that now has a cartesian join in it - thus inserting way more data than was intended.

    Basically, the inserted data was either intentional or unintentional. Find out which.

    Todd Fifield

  • If this is a production database, then you should have frequent transaction log backups. If so, you can look to see when the T-log backups suddenly got big. That will at least tell you about "when" it occured, but not "what" or "why".

    You could run this to look for a table(s) with abnormal # of records:

    SELECT substring(o.name,1,50) as 'Table Name',

    ddps.row_count --, *

    FROM sys.indexes AS i

    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON i.OBJECT_ID = o.OBJECT_ID

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats AS ddps ON i.OBJECT_ID = ddps.OBJECT_ID

    AND i.index_id = ddps.index_id

    WHERE i.index_id < 2

    AND o.is_ms_shipped = 0 -- 1 = system databases

    and ddps.row_count >=1

    ORDER BY ddps.row_count desc

  • If you are using SQL 2008 Enterprise Edition, you could try backing up with the native compression enabled. That'll probably drop the backup file size down below 500GB. But from the sounds of it, you've got bigger problems to worry about. An unexpected size increase of ~2000% would make me very nervous!

  • Hi Guys

    Thanks again for the responce i will try all this suggestion and i will come back with an answer.This is really a strange thing to happen.

  • I received that same error message as a result of a damaged disk in a RAID array and it was repaired by our storage guys. They likely replaced the damaged disk and the array recovered the disk. After that all my backup jobs worked and the ones that had been queued finished normally.

  • I have the same problem:

    Backup failed for server -> Additional Information

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: A nonrecoverable I/O error accourred on file Company.ldf:" 23(Data error(cyclic redundancy check).).


    can anyone help me????

  • I already did.... See the other thread you posted on.

    Please in future post new questions in a new thread.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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