A list of incompatibility error messages on SQL Server 2008?

  • Hello,

    My company is going to upgrade SQL Server 2000 to 2008. I’ve successfully deployed SS2008 on test instance. During migration Upgrade Advisor was run which found few incompatibility errors in database’s objects, which actually were corrected.

    Now we want to track all incompatibility issues on this instance from scripts enclosed in our applications. A trace which tracks errors has been run and later on I plan to filter those errors to only ones which point to incompatibility issues.

    Do you now such lists of incompatibility errors?

    The example of this error is:

    Msg 1018, Level 15, State 1, Line 7

    Incorrect syntax near 'index'. If this is intended as a part of a table hint, A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required. See SQL Server Books Online for proper syntax.

    which is printed when you execute query with index hint without “WITH” keyword.

    Any help appreciated.



  • There are some new events in Profiler/Trace to help with this. Otherwise, not sure there's a list. I'll post this around.

  • I've also seen this error when a column was named to be the keyword "index", and it raises that error.

    check syscolumns where name='index' and see if that's the issue.


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  • Thanks guys for response.

    @lowell: I provided this error as example of incompatibility issues, most of them in my environment was actually related with lack of “with” keyword

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