A job failed that is scheduled to run every day

  • Hi there,

    We set up a job to execute a DTS package that run every day at 5:45 am. Its been doing good every time but yesterday its got failed due to some error. I copy pasted the error at bottom. I didn't do anything and was about to fix the problem this morning but when i looked at the job I found it ran successfully. Well thats fine but my concern was to find what could be the error that caused to fail the job. thanks in advance.


    Here is the error:

    DTSRun: Loading... Error: -2147008507 (80074005); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Unspecified error Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 713 Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

  • What is the source? Possible a network error? Or unable to gain an exclusive lock?

    Steve Jones



  • There are many reason a job could timeout. You will need to investigate those and see what happenedn.

    backups running long

    deadlocked tasks

    long running process

    looping function

  • There are just too many possibilities. If starts occurring more often you can open the package then open the package porties and set logging up to possibly give you a better idea.

  • I just received a simliar error today on one of our jobs that failed after running for almost 2 hours.

    DTSRun OnError: Transfer Sql ServerObjects, Error = -2147220299 (800404B5).

    Can't find reference to this error anywhere. The error string was blank, so I have no idea why this job failed. We rebooted the server and restarted the job, then it ran fine. I would really like to find a cause since this is a critical job.

    Any ideas?

  • No ideas but look for a .dmp file and check for a possible log event in Event Viewer or SQL Server ogs for more detail. No details on that error at all but may have been deadlocked with something else for it to have died.

  • do you have any backup jobs that may have been running at that time. if an overnightbackup of the db's got stuck or locked up or delayed for a reason you may not have been locked out of the resources you need for the job.

  • Thank you for the ideas of things to check.

    Nothing has come up in the logs or files. Nothing is running on the destination server and backups are done way before this job on the main server. The only other thing I can mention is that someone stated that PCAnywhere is running on that server and sometimes is used to do the weekly reboot.

    Thanks again for the suggestions.

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