A domain error occurred

  • We were having issues with using a function in a subquery (couldn't use the group by).

    So we are trying to insert the data into a table, but get an error message saying

    'A domain error occurred'

    No SQL Server msg or error number, just that.

    Here's the query

    create table MPAResults_Temp


          countOfLeads bigint,

          Make varchar(50),

          Zip  varchar(10),

          City varchar(50),

          State varchar(10)


     sp_help MPAResults_temp


    drop table MPAResults_Temp




    truncate table MPAResults_Temp



    insert   into MPAResults_Temp (countOfLeads, make, zip, city, state)

                select leadID, Make, MPATemp.Zip, MPATemp.City, MPATemp.State

                from MPATemp (nolock)

                inner join leads_sent on dbo.CalculateDistanceByZip(MPATemp.Zip ,leads_sent.zip) < 25

                and datediff(month, leads_Sent.DateIN, getDate()) = 0

                and Leads_Sent.Credited = 0


    insert into MPAResults_Temp

                select leadID , Make, MPATemp.Zip, MPATemp.City, MPATemp.State

                from MPATemp (nolock)

                inner join leads_rejected on dbo.CalculateDistanceByZip(MPATemp.Zip ,leads_rejected.zip) < 25

                and datediff(month, leads_rejected.DateIN, getDate()) = 0

                and leads_rejected.Nodealer = 1


          select count(leadID) as numLeads, Make, Zip, City, State

    from MPAResults_Temp

          group by Make, Zip, City, State

  • Please post how CalculateDistanceByZip is coded.

  • create table MPATemp(

    City varchar(50),

    state varchar(50),

    zip varchar(10)




    insert into MPATemp values ('Los Angeles','CA','90025')

    insert into MPATemp values ('New York','NY','10021')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Chicago','IL','60657')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Philadelphia','PA','19104')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Washington','DC','20009')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Detroit','MI','48219')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Houston','TX','77004')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Atlanta','GA','30318')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Dallas','TX','75206')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Boston','MA','2116')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Riverside','CA','94507')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Phoenix','AZ','85023')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Minneapolis','MN','55407')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Orange County','CA','92614')

    insert into MPATemp values ('San Diego','CA','92103')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Nassau','NY','12123')

    insert into MPATemp values ('St. Louis','MO','63116')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Baltimore','MD','21215')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Seattle','WA','98103')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Tampa','FL','33604')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Oakland','CA','94606')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Pittsburgh','PA','15219')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Miami','FL','33135')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Cleveland','OH','44102')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Denver','CO','80203')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Newark','NJ','7105')

    insert into MPATemp values ('San Juan','PR','907')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Portland','OR','97202')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Kansas City','MO','64111')

    insert into MPATemp values ('San Francisco','CA','94109')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Fort Worth','TX','76010')

    insert into MPATemp values ('San Jose','CA','95112')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Cincinnati','OH','45202')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Orlando','FL','32803')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Sacramento','CA','95814')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Fort Lauderdale','FL','33308')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Indianapolis','IN','46227')

    insert into MPATemp values ('San Antonio','TX','78207')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Norfolk','VA','23505')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Las Vegas','NV','89108')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Columbus','OH','43201')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Milwaukee','WI','53202')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Charlotte','NC','28226')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Bergen-Passaic','NJ','7055')

    insert into MPATemp values ('New Orleans','LA','70115')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Salt Lake City','UT','84103')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Greensboro','NC','27407')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Austin','TX','78745')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Nashville','TN','37211')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Providence','RI','2906')

    insert into MPATemp values ('Raleigh','NC','27609')











    CREATE FUNCTION [DBO].[CalculateDistanceByZip] (@zip1 varchar(5), @zip2  varchar(5))



                DECLARE  @Lat1 FLOAT

                DECLARE  @Lon1 FLOAT

                DECLARE  @Lat2 FLOAT

                DECLARE  @Lon2 FLOAT


                select @Lat1 = Latitude, @Lon1 = Longitude

                from ZipCodes where ZipCode = @zip1


                select @Lat2 = Latitude, @Lon2 = Longitude

                from ZipCodes where ZipCode = @zip2


                RETURN (dbo.CalculateDistance(@Lat1, @Lon1, @Lat2, @Lon2 ))













  • You're going to hate this, but it's likely even deeper, so we'll need the code for CalculateDistance. It's usually caused by functions receiving values they can't handle, such as passing a number to ACOS that isn't between -1 and +1.

  • and CalculateDistance?

    I suspect your trigonometric functions in the above is causing the domain error.

    You have to make sure that parameters are within the ranges allowed in functions.

  • Try these two:

    print acos(2)


    select acos(2)

    The first returns a message "a domain error occurred" without raising an error.  I suppose it's a warning.

    The second returns the same message and a recordset with no rows.  Again no error is raised.


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