April 3, 2008 at 8:10 am
I picked 2 items, which cover all three exams:
"Cert-70-431 MSCert: TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance"
and the
"SQL 2005 Pak" (70-443 and 70-444)
For my situation, it was money well spent, due to the fact that I was prepared for the style and types of questions and scenarios to expect for each exam. As all three exams have a different format, I was not blind-sided by the format of each exam. I just had to deal with my test anxiety.
... Now for my study method, I chose the number of questions and/or topic depending on how much time I had to study, my mood, the weather, etc. I also chose to be able to check the answer as soon as I answered the question. The reasoning is that I would have immediate feedback on the question, if I got the answer correct, I would still review to explanation to make sure that I understood the material. If I got the question wrong, I would use the MS Press Training Kit and/or BOL to research, learn, and investigate until I understood the topic.
Hope This Helps,
April 3, 2008 at 7:13 pm
Damon Wilson (4/3/2008)
I picked 2 items, which cover all three exams:"Cert-70-431 MSCert: TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance"
... Now for my study method, I chose the number of questions and/or topic depending on how much time I had to study, my mood, the weather, etc. I also chose to be able to check the answer as soon as I answered the question. The reasoning is that I would have immediate feedback on the question, if I got the answer correct, I would still review to explanation to make sure that I understood the material. If I got the question wrong, I would use the MS Press Training Kit and/or BOL to research, learn, and investigate until I understood the topic.
Hope This Helps,
Oh ok ...so for 70-431 you just used the transcender practice test and researched the answers with other material. Good idea you have. I might just also order the study guide also for the heck of it. I have all the time in the world right now to devote myself to learning SQL so another $40 for a study guide can only help I guess. Right now I just finished up reading through the MS Press training kit book and am now reading through Beginning SQL Server 2005 Administration.
I figure once I get comfortable with both books I will start to use the transcender material to review for the exam. Should be an interesting month or so coming up. :hehe:
April 4, 2008 at 6:03 am
I am very pleased with the Wrox books.
If you are work towards your MCITP: DBA certification, I would recommend picking up the Microsoft Press Training Kit, Set.
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exams 70-431, 70-443, 70-444): Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Administrator Core Requirements (Pro Certification) (DVD-ROM)
Since you already have the 40-731 book, you can get the other two books separately:
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-443): Designing a Database Server Infrastructure Using Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005 (Pro Certification) (Hardcover)
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-444): Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administration Solution Using Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005 (Pro-Certification) (Hardcover)
I used the self-paced training kits and the Trancenders. I passed the 70-431 and 70-443 on the first sitting. I rushed my taking of the 70-444 exam, but passed with a very high score on the second sitting.
Your best reference is the SQL Server Books Online (BOL), use it, know it! All of the other material should be used to build on your foundation of knowledge.
Best of luck in your studies, keep us posted on your progress.
PS: If the 719 in your login is in reference to your phone area code, let me know.
April 7, 2008 at 5:16 am
For 70-431, I went through the MS Press training book and sat the tests that came with it (averaging 60-70%).
I then purchased the transcender and found my practice exam marks to be lower (45-50%). But this pack offered far better explanations.
Books On-Line is a great resource and gives a very clear and detailed explanation of particular areas.
I passed with a mark of 718 (700 was pass mark), so i scraped it, having said that i did work hard but did not have a great understanding of the XML side of things.
As a guide I'd say if you hit over 60% using the transcender exams then your ready.
Best of Luck
April 8, 2008 at 4:23 am
Hi Guys,
Gonna sound thick here but....
Is Virtualization (virtual servers) the same thing as having multiple Sql server instances?
April 8, 2008 at 6:59 am
Probably not.
Virtualization usually means multiple Windows servers running in virtual machines on one physical server (VMWare, etc.).
SQL Server instances usually refers to multiple SQL Server 'servers' running on one Windows server instance (Multiple SQL Servers on one Windows install).
You could certainly mix the two - running two Windows Virtual Machines, both running multiple SQL Server instances. You could also throw Windows Clustering in there for some more confusion (SQL Server Vritual Servers running on Clusters).
April 8, 2008 at 8:49 pm
Damon Wilson (4/4/2008)
John,I am very pleased with the Wrox books.
If you are work towards your MCITP: DBA certification, I would recommend picking up the Microsoft Press Training Kit, Set.
PS: If the 719 in your login is in reference to your phone area code, let me know.
Heh.. Actually I did buy the entire training set. I was originally just going to buy the one book since I am just planning on getting certified for that now but I figured the $100 or so for everything was a very good investment since I plan on eventually taking the other two exams.
Yeah Im actually not in the 719 area code...Im out of the Philadelphia area.
Thanks for the info good stuff
April 8, 2008 at 9:04 pm
SSH (4/7/2008)
John,For 70-431, I went through the MS Press training book and sat the tests that came with it (averaging 60-70%).
I then purchased the transcender and found my practice exam marks to be lower (45-50%). But this pack offered far better explanations.
Books On-Line is a great resource and gives a very clear and detailed explanation of particular areas.
I passed with a mark of 718 (700 was pass mark), so i scraped it, having said that i did work hard but did not have a great understanding of the XML side of things.
As a guide I'd say if you hit over 60% using the transcender exams then your ready.
Best of Luck
Excellent info thanks. The XML chapter also killed me when I went through the MS press book. That was the only part that was discouraging lol. I think I need to read an XML briefer and read that chapter again.
Another resource I've been using right now is this video course I found on SQL Server 2005 . I've only gone through about 35% of it(they give you a huge preview for free) Nothing really groundbreaking so far but its a nice break from reading and nice to see an actual guy going through it.. Get to see some things explained visually which is nice(though I think some of the stats at the beginning are off...the guy was giving different SQL Server ram requirements than the MS Press book I believe).
I also see they have a Transact SQL video which I am going to check out(Not that there is much of that on the test)
April 14, 2008 at 7:02 pm
Hi All,
i completed 70-431.
now i am a MCP or MCTS.
Kiruba sankar.S
April 15, 2008 at 6:04 am
Congratulations on passing your 40-731 Exam! You are now certified as an MCTS.
MCTS: SQL Server 2005 Certification Requirements
Be sure to order your Welcome Kit and Certificate! (You must have a Windows Live ID to login to the MCP Website). Welcome Kits and Certificates are not sent automatically. When you become eligible, you must place your request, or "activate" your shipment.
Welcome Kits and Certificates
Again Congratulations!
April 17, 2008 at 7:52 am
Hi All,
I am looking for some career advice.
Recently obtained MCTS 2005.
Whilst working towards my MCITP Database Admin 2005, I am looking for a junior dba role but am having little luck due to lack of commercial experience.
The job desc i see on recruitment web sites are vague and am told on application I need to have alot more exp in certain areas. Excel, Access etc etc....
Also I have used DTS within sql 2000 to import and export but everyone wants an expert....
can anyone recommend some good learning resources for the following :
1. Sql and Excel.
2. Sql and Access.
4. General career tips to getting in a junior/dba role.
Until now i have steered clear of blagging my skills/exp on my cv but am now geeting tempted.
April 17, 2008 at 8:55 am
You have done a lot by getting your MCTS, congratulations. Keeping to work on your MCITP is a very challenging goal.
Build a Lab Computer at home. If you can't work with the technologies you listed at your current position, dedicate at least an hour per day with Excel, SQL, T-SQL, SSIS, SQL Server 2005 ... on whatever topics you choose. If needed, for example, spend a night installing SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. Night 2, learn about and perform some database backups. Night 3, database restores. ... and so on. (It might take you a week of one hour sessions to install SQL Server 2005 for the first time, but you will come away with the knowledge and experience of how to overcome those problems.)
Once your lab is set up, you can then speak about your lab and your current studies when you are on interviews or performing phone screens. You are demonstrating to a possible future employer that you are willing to put forth the effort to get certified, as well as working on improving your knowledge about the SQL Server (or whatever) technology on your own time. If you have enough notice and time, you can even study on specific aspects listed in the job description.
Eventually your dedication and enthusiasm will pay off, and you will find a company that sees the value in your efforts.
... my 2 cents,
April 17, 2008 at 10:30 am
Hi Damon,
Thanks for that.
It now all seems quite obvious, but your right i guess its a matter of constantly enforcing and deepening my knowledge and understanding.
I have removed (enterprise ed) and installed sql server (standard ed). attached an existing copy of the adventure works database to my new installation.
I am becoming confident with doing stand alone tasks within SQL Server.
I am thinking that any sort of combined usage with excel and access is a good thing to be able to do from a real world prospective.
Thanks Damon
April 17, 2008 at 10:50 am
I would also look for a local Microsoft SQL Server Users Group. Get involved and network, and you may find openings that you may miss otherwise.
April 17, 2008 at 10:54 am
You are quite welcome. It seems that you are on the right track with having a "sandbox" to play and work in. Nothing like practice makes you look and feel confident when under pressure. You have a bit of a leg up due to the exposure you had while studying for your MCTS: SQL Server 2005. You already know what tools and utilities SQL Server 2005 has to offer to solve various technical challenges.
On the Excel to/from SQL Server topic, I have a little demo on how to create an Linked Server to an existing Excel Spreadsheet, which will read data from the worksheet, which then can be accessed like any table within the database. I would be more than happy to get you a copy of the sample XLS file and the syntax for the Linked Server creation, if you are interested.
Keep us posted on your progress.
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