64 bit production - 32 bit development: files compatible?

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    We are about to upgrade to a 64 bit production system.  On a regular basis, we refresh our development environment with restores from production. ( either move the prod files or do a restore from the backups )  Our development and system test machines and SQL Servera are 32 bit.

    Are the raw files or backup and restores compatible?

    Just wondering before we do the production upgrade.

    Thanks in Advance

    Eric Peterson

  • I have a 32-bit development enviroment and a 64-bit test and production ones. I can restore backups from the 32-bit developement enviroments on the 64-bit platforms. I haven't tried it the other way around though but I imagine that it work both ways.

  • It is the down grade that I am really worrying about, but if they are still using the same backup architecture, it just reads disk so it shouold theoreticaly be the same.....

    I am also wondering about a raw file transfer....Anyone Know? 


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