5 table join with 165 ORs - returns 93,000 rows in 5 minutes...

  • I would also like to see the query run with the following set and see what it says.

    set statistics io on

    set statistics time on

    It will give you the io on the tables in the query.  A little better judge at poor performance when used in conjunction with the execution plan.



  • Aaron West, thank you for such a comprehensive list of things to try.  My hours are limited for this test, and when I executed the actual query on production there were two things to notice... 1) the explain plan was TOTALLY different than on test... and 2) it took 1:03, not the "5 minutes" I had been told.

    That said, I am not sure the hours (read that "charge number") are available for additional improvement.

    Your tips have been passed on to two developers who will consider pieces of it in the big picture.

    Thank you again, so much, for your response.  You are greatly appreciated.



    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • Stephanie, Ed and Tom,

    Thanks also for taking the time to respond to my post.  I do apprediate you very much.  The information on the inner join was particularly interesting.  Hopefully we will get the chance to see some improvement with these changes.  As with Aaron's post, your posts have also been forwarded to the developers and they will try to understand and implement them, as possible.

    I won't be running the explain plan again unless I can do so on a copy of the DB.  The backup file is 5.5 GB and the last time I tried to download one of them here it caused heartburn.  They may have to FedEX a disk to me.

    At any rate, my hours are up, for now, on this problem.

    I do apprecaite your responses, and those of others who posted.  Thank you all very much.


    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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