3rd party tools for managing dts packages?

  • Are there any good tools to help manage dts packages?

    Currently if a dts package calls another dts package, the server name has to be included for the dts package being called. When these packages are moved to different servers, we have to manually go in and change the server name for all packages be called by another dts package.

    When packages are moved from one server to another, the screen layout does not stay the same. This is not an issue on smaller packages, but can make large packages difficult to read.


  • If you use DTS object method to save on another server then you loose layout and annotations.

    But you can use Transform Data Task to move selected packages (use SQL query as source selecting required records (DTS packages) from MSDB.dbo.sysdtsppackagesysdtspackages table )from one server to another. This was once described on this site by one of the forum moderators - I think it was Brian Knight.

    You need to type the name of the table as it will not come up in the dialog box list

    You still need to edit properties.

    I myself created for my own use - a package that - for given package (whole set of different parameters what exactly to do were kept in the parameter table that I read as a source of DDQuery task) - the script to process each record in DDQ task - opens the package , gets its properties - including all the tasks, connections, etc - performs the editing - i.e. changes the occurrence of (for example) the string 'devServer' to 'prodServer' wherever it can find it in the values of different type of properties of the Package its Tasks, Steps, Connections or Global Variables.

    As long as the string with server name(s) is not used for other purposes - it does the job perfectly.

    I was using this approach to edit or move whole set of packages in one go.

    For example - once my parameter table was set up - it tokk about 2-4 minutes to update (move) approx 25 packages (each on average had about 10 Tasks).

    And Yes I had packages which used executePackage tasks (which in turn used them again up to 3 level of nesting) and as long as I processed all required packages.

    The properties were appropriately changed and the set of packages were working without further editing.

    I can provide more details about this approach if you need more details.


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