2K DTS to 2K5 SSIS package under legacy

  • I have a DTS job in SQL Server 2K that I brought over in SQL Server 2K5 under legacy and I can't seem to schedule it write. If I run the package manually it works fine but if I schedule it it does not seem to work - no error. I don't know if I using DTSRUN with the operating system command (cmd exec) write or should I be using some other command. It is what the schedule job code used in SQL Server 2K with all the appropriate switches when I brought it over to SQL Server 2005.

    The job take data from one database on one server to another database on another server.

    The code is: DTSRun /~Z0x1B4BD87B185961EA8B0161D48BD2125FFEC3FDF95F8B72D118AF5673E03DEF01DA2C75990D07884CF076A02C03DB90F3C4C626F1BC6B28DB4237C4BDB22E3AEC4AF8FF6115284DE3A97DF9710ABBE6A21663A30E18811AD2CD87AED5CD162E6A6E7C94

    Its' weird because if you look at the job status it says it was completed successfully but I can clearly see is did not do the job. Any help you can give would be great?

  • Is the source or destination datbase on the new SQL 2005 server? If so, did you change the connection in the package itself?


  • The source is 2K5 and the destination is 2K. Yes, I did modify the database to point to a test server instead of a production server to make sure it worked first. Should I make changes before importing the package? I thought with the 2K add in that all changes would be accepted in 2K5 just like it would be in 2k.

    What should I do?

  • What kind of transformation/task the package does ? Are you sure the source table in Test server has data ? Somethings in DTS may not work is SSIS. You need to provide more information.


  • There is test data because when I go legacy -> data transformation services

    -> right click the package name, open the package in 2K5 and run the same package manually it works. Is it the fact I edited the package once it was in 2K5 and now its not trying to run the the latest revisions? How do I resolve it?

  • If you open the top level of the package (the one with the name of the package), you'll get the latest version.

    I would regenerate the DTSRUN command and past it in the job step. If you have the DTS 2000 runtime components on the SQL 2005

    server (which you should), you can run DTSRUNUI from an command prompt and generate the DTSRUN command.


  • Thanks that did it and it works fine now. I guess the command line was different from server to server. Thanks again !

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