24x7 Website Maint advice

  • All,

    Would like you to share your experiences on supporting a SQL cluster which is behind a 24x7 website.

    It is a transactional website which has peaks and troughs throughout the day but its constantly in use. This is the first time I have looked after such a beast. What is the best approach to reindexing, running heavy weight maint queries, disk defrags and the like?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Steve,

    Your web people should have a chart of website use. I'll bet dollars to donuts it's similar to western hemisphere sleep patterns, but shortened due to time zone differences.

    Even still, you should have plenty of time to maintain the database.

    My experience with this sort of DB is threefold

    1. I like ONLINE reindexing that enterprise ed. provides. That makes things much much much better.

    2. Stats are a pain, do a 20/30 % scan as infrequently as you can get away with and 1 fullscan per week. It seems to be enough to keep things sane (from my experience). As always, actual mileage will vary.

    3. Checkdb's are done at the time of lowest use... Sunday night/Monday AM (typically)


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