2008 SP2 2 node cluster

  • Hey Guys

    What is the best method of applying SP2 on a 2 node cluster?

  • http://lmgtfy.com/?q=apply+sql+server+service+pack+cluster

    Just for my amusement really based on another post.

    Here's what you will find


  • to be fair the microsoft method is a bit long winded but there must be a hundred other posts of the same question on this forum. I personally have replied to 3 or 4.

    1. SP on the passive node

    2. failover

    3. SP on the new passive node

    4. failover (optional to test failover capability)

    Its up to you if you want to restart post install.

  • Thanks

  • you also need to remove the passive node from the possible owners list on the cluster resources in case Murphy's law tries to fail over to that node during the SP install. You do this as many times for each node you have. It is long winded but believe me the last thing you want is an attempted fail over in the middle of the SP install 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks Perry

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