2008 R2 Jobs from .bak files not shown in new server when restoring

  • Hello,

    I did full backup to our 2008 R2 SQL and restore to another 2008 R2 SQL server the only problem I have is that jobs are not in the new server.  I thought a fully backup will get me everything.  My questions is what why was the jobs not in the new server and what else can be missing.  Anybody who can shed me some light I would appreciate.  Thank you.

  • what exactly did you backup and restore?

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Sorry,  database 

  • Hi thanks for replying,

    I am new to this, but it was a database.  What I did was right click database and select tasks and backup.  Then I went to the new server and right database and Restore Database.  I must have missed a step. 

  • The jobs are not in the user databases but the msdb system database. The simplest option for transferring them is to generate a create script at the source and apply it on the target server.

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