2 Reports in 1 Report both using same parameters?

  • I have two reports which both use min and max date parameters. The reports return different data, however, I'd like a user to be able to select the min and max date in the report and then for the two reports within it to use these parameters.

    I've looked at creating sub reports where you specify the parameters and their values in advance and I've looked at cascading parameters thinking this implies it cascades down to the sub reports but it seems these cascade down within each other - i.e. select first name or surname then the parameter below displays either a list of first names or a list of surnames, useful but not what I'm after here.

    I guess I'm looking to link the parameters in the main report with those in the sub report. I tried creating the parameters within the main report thinking I could somehow link these, however, this doesn't seem to work?

    Is this possible? - It seems quite logical? - For example return all the communications from a communications table between 2 dates and then all the orders between 2 dates from the orders table, no linking between the two reports is required, just displaying the two data sets, then if possible downloading both to Excel in separate tabs...

    Hmm, any help appreciated. I've glossed over the Stairway series and I can't see this covered in there...

  • Okay so I sussed out my own problem here... create the parameters on the main report, add the parameters on the sub report with identical names, for the Values use the parameters from the main report 🙂

    This seems to do the job.

    As regards Excel, I created a rectangle over the first subreport and then edited the properties of this rectangle to page break.

    Naming tabs in Excel it seems is a total mission in 2008 and made far easier in R2, oh well!

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