$123 --> One Hundred Twenty-three ...

  • Does anyone have any script or know a way that I can convert $amount to words, as written on a check?

    Before I start writing a bunch of code I thought I would ask, since there's probably already a solution out there somewhere.


  • Hi BillNye101,


    Does anyone have any script or know a way that I can convert $amount to words, as written on a check?

    I once thought that was a nice gimmick, so I wrote this

    DECLARE @test float
    SET @test = 123

    DECLARE @i int
    DECLARE @tmp char(1)
    DECLARE @lpsz VARCHAR(20)
    DECLARE @RetVal VARCHAR(255)

    SELECT @lpsz=CONVERT(varchar(20), @test)
    SELECT @i=LEN(@lpsz)
    SELECT @RetVal=''
    WHILE (@i>0)
    SELECT @tmp=(SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i,1))
    IF ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=1
    IF @tmp='1'
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE (SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i+1,1))
    WHEN '0' THEN 'Ten'
    WHEN '1' THEN 'Eleven'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Twelve'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Thirteen'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Fourteen'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Fifteen'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Sixteen'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seventeen'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eighteen'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Nineteen'
    END+' '+CASE
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=4) THEN 'Thousand '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=7) THEN 'Million '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=10) THEN 'Billion '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=13) THEN 'Trillion '
    ELSE ''
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE (SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i+1,1))
    WHEN '0' THEN ''
    WHEN '1' THEN 'One'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Two'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Three'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Four'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Five'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Six'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seven'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eight'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Nine'
    END+' '+ CASE
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=4) THEN 'Thousand '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=7) THEN 'Million '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=10) THEN 'Billion '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=13) THEN 'Trillion '
    ELSE ''
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE @tmp
    WHEN '0' THEN ''
    WHEN '1' THEN 'Ten'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Twenty'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Thirty'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Fourty'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Fifty'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Sixty'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seventy'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eighty'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Ninety'
    END+' '+@RetVal
    IF (((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=2) OR (((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=0) AND (@i=1)
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE @tmp
    WHEN '0' THEN ''
    WHEN '1' THEN 'One'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Two'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Three'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Four'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Five'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Six'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seven'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eight'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Nine'
    END +' '+CASE
    WHEN (@lpsz='0') THEN 'Zero'
    WHEN (@tmp<>'0')AND( ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=2) THEN 'Hundred '
    ELSE ''
    END + CASE
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=3) THEN 'Thousand '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=6) THEN 'Million '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=9) THEN 'Billion '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=12) THEN 'Trillion '
    ELSE ''
    END+ @RetVal
    SELECT @i=@i-1
    PRINT REPLACE(@RetVal,' ',' ')

    if you are on SQL2K you might want to consider putting this into a function. In my example I chose float as variable type. Could be any numeric type. Please note, this doesn't work with decimal places. I never tried to figure it out why


    Before I start writing a bunch of code I thought I would ask, since there's probably already a solution out there somewhere.

    This is always a smart solution, before reinventing the wheel.

    Take a close look at it, for I have translated from german to english. It is likely that there are typos.




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Excellent!

    Thank you.


    Edited by - billnye101 on 08/14/2003 3:23:26 PM

  • I finally got back to this project and made some modifications: added cents and added hyphens where approriate.

     CREATE FUNCTION fn$_to_Dollars
    (@Cash float)

    RETURNS varchar(100)
    -- a5xo3z1 / Frank
    -- SQL Server Guru - SQLServercentral.com
    -- Germany
    -- Posted - 08/14/2003 : 12:17:03 AM
    -- Modified By Bill Nye 20030904 to work w/decimals and include hyphens
    DECLARE @cents as tinyint, @fill as tinyint

    set @Cents=right(cast(round(@Cash*100,0) as bigint),2)

    DECLARE @i int
    DECLARE @tmp char(1)
    DECLARE @lpsz VARCHAR(20)
    DECLARE @RetVal VARCHAR(255)
    DECLARE @hyphen char(1), @flag char(1)

    SELECT @lpsz=CONVERT(varchar(20), cast(@Cash as bigint)) --cast added, otherwise >1mm converts to exponent and won't work
    SELECT @i=LEN(@lpsz)
    SELECT @RetVal=''
    WHILE (@i>0)

    SELECT @tmp=(SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i,1))

    IF ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=1

    IF @tmp='1'
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE (SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i+1,1))
    WHEN '0' THEN 'Ten'
    WHEN '1' THEN 'Eleven'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Twelve'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Thirteen'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Fourteen'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Fifteen'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Sixteen'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seventeen'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eighteen'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Nineteen'
    END+' '+CASE
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=4) THEN 'Thousand '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=7) THEN 'Million '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=10) THEN 'Billion '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=13) THEN 'Trillion '
    ELSE ''
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE (SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i+1,1))
    WHEN '0' THEN ''
    WHEN '1' THEN 'One'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Two'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Three'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Four'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Five'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Six'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seven'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eight'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Nine'
    END+' '+ CASE
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=4) THEN 'Thousand '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=7) THEN 'Million '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=10) THEN 'Billion '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=13) THEN 'Trillion '
    ELSE ''

    --*************** Added to include hyphens ie 53=fifty-three
    SELECT @hyphen=case(SUBSTRING(@lpsz,@i+1,1))
    WHEN '0' THEN ' '
    ELSE '-'
    SELECT @RetVal=CASE @tmp
    WHEN '0' THEN ''
    WHEN '1' THEN 'Ten'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Twenty'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Thirty'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Forty'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Fifty'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Sixty'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seventy'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eighty'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Ninety'

    IF (((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=2) OR (((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=0) AND (@i=1)
    BEGIN SELECT @RetVal=CASE @tmp
    WHEN '0' THEN ''
    WHEN '1' THEN 'One'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Two'
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Three'
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Four'
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Five'
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Six'
    WHEN '7' THEN 'Seven'
    WHEN '8' THEN 'Eight'
    WHEN '9' THEN 'Nine'
    END +' '+CASE
    WHEN (@lpsz='0') THEN 'Zero'
    WHEN (@tmp<>'0')AND( ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i) % 3)=2) THEN 'Hundred '
    ELSE ''
    END + CASE
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=3) THEN 'Thousand '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=6) THEN 'Million '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=9) THEN 'Billion '
    WHEN ((LEN(@lpsz)-@i)=12) THEN 'Trillion '
    ELSE ''
    END+ @RetVal
    SELECT @i=@i-1

    -- Added 2 extra replaces to get rid of occasional extra space and hyphen when like 109, otherwise it shows "one hundred -nine"
    SET @RetVal=REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@RetVal,' ',' '),' ',' '),' -',' ')

    SET @RetVal=@RetVal+'and ' +cast(@cents as char(2)) +'/100 '

    SELECT @fill= case sign(84-len(@RetVal)) -- Assumes length of 85 for amount field on check
    WHEN -1.0 Then 0 -- otherwise, nothing shows
    Else 84-(len(@RetVal))

    RETURN @RetVal+Replicate('*',@fill)


    Thanks again, Frank.

  • Here is a script I wrote a long while back that does it and should cover all possiblities including the difference between hyphenation of things like Twenty-Five as opposed to Twenty Five.


  • quote:

    Here is a script I wrote a long while back that does it and should cover all possiblities including the difference between hyphenation of things like Twenty-Five as opposed to Twenty Five.


    actually I would love to see the day when you can't top it


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Thanks, but topping things really isn't my goal. I can see your code does a quite lovely job. Just offering ("a better", just kidding ) another option as far as I am concerned.

  • it wasn't meant seriously!

    and it is definitely always good to see someone else approach!

    and why are you already at work?

    suddenly see the need to do some extratime

    what about working on weekends?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • quote:

    and why are you already at work?

    suddenly see the need to do some extratime

    what about working on weekends?

    I am Eastern Time Zone and have worked it out so I go in around 5 AM and get off at 1 PM so I can pick up my oldest son from school.

    Great thing is I can telecommute as well (which I am doing now from my P4 2.6 HT machine which far outclasses my POS at work, it's new so I gotta brag).

    And I don't have a fixed schedual so I can work a few hours disappear for a bit and return later just as long as I get 8 in a day as far as the boss is concerned.

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