
  • i had maintenance plan which will dbcc check db followed by rebuild indexes of one database.The job was scheduled to run this plan. The job succeeded but in view history shows dbcc check db 100% completed and alter index......0% completed for every table on that database.It means the indexes are rebuilded or not?

    Im using sql server 2008r2 enterprise edition

  • Check the statsdate() for a few of those tables. If they match the date the job ran then it was updated and the "reporting" you're getting is misleading.

    Also assuming you had no errors and that the job ran succesfully, then it should have been run.

    Of course this assumes no error logic in the code and no early exit option.

  • how to check stats date fro the tables?

  • i got the stats name and stats update date but one of the statsupdate date is feb2011 but rest are showing the date when i ran the job. This result is for one table.

  • How / when did you update the stats?

    If you ran sp_updatsats then it's possible that it skipped that table because it wasn't necessary to do the update

    If you ran UPDATE STATSTICS then the command will run no matter what.

  • oh there are certain tables which autoupdate statistics are not necessary?

  • clarification (8/1/2011)

    oh there are certain tables which autoupdate statistics are not necessary?

    It always depends on the system, but since you're just starting out it's a better plan to just leave it on. And then when you it problems in prob take it out.

    That assume that you have tables so big that it takes a very long time to run the command and that you don't want that happening during normal 9-5 production. But something tells me this is not the case for you at the moment!

  • I mean even when we run update stats, there are stasts that will not be updated?

    Because when i ran update stats on a table all are updated except one. it is showing date as feb2011

  • Depends on the command you use, but if you use update stats <table name> with full scan (or what ever sampling) they will be updated. AFAIK this will even bypass the norecompute column

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