• Eric M Russell (12/31/2015)

    Maybe it's just me, but it seems this past year (and 2014 as well) there were a lot of existential discussions here on SQLServerCentral regarding our careers and the industry in general. It's not really been about conerns for the future, broadly speaking we all love our profession and are optimistic, but many of simply felt like moving on to something different within the same field. There were more than a handful of us, myself included, who changed jobs. So, I'd like to wish all of us here a Happy New Year and express my anticipation that 2016 will be full of new beginnings and prosperity.

    I'm one of those who had some pretty in-depth thoughts about my career during 2016. I'm also one of those who really enjoy my job and the company I work for, so no changes for me. I'm learning more about how things work under the hood, which is very cool. I hope to continue along this path in 2016.

    As for reflection on 2015, the "year of the data breach" has been going since 2014 and things are only getting bigger. Like the editorial said, companies just don't seem to invest in security until after they've been hacked. This is one thing I hope undergoes a major fundamental change in 2016, but if history is any guide, it won't.

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year and a prosperous 2016.