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Sorry if this is a newbe question. I'm trying... I got given 10GB of data in flat files which I imp…
5 replies
USE [Clinical_Edu_2006] GO DECLARE@return_value int EXEC@return_value = [dbo].[CalChestSum] @Da…
3 replies
I've been looking into some possible index violations on a table. Unfortunately the errors we get …
3 replies
Iam getting this problem for particular query,when every i run that query iam getting problem like …
11 replies
I have a .csv file downloaded from the federal government that needs to be loaded into SQL server. …
5 replies
I have 3 tables. One table contains the names of my cubscouts. Each row is a different scout and ra…
15 replies
Does anyone have any information on the usage of xp_userlock? -Chris
5 replies
Good afetrnoon i know that sp sp_help table shows all table attributes, but i just wanna know if th…
3 replies
I've got a SQL 2000 Db that I inherited that has had many fingers on it over sever years. There ar…
8 replies
I have a function that seems to take about 12 seconds to run but if I run the same code in SQL Quer…
4 replies
Hullo Friends, I am encounter problem trying to retrieve the Maximum SalesOrderID from the TblSales…
1 replies
I have a procedure that executes the xp_cmdshell extended proc. The execution string run BCP …
3 replies
Hi, I am after a little help with an insert statement which is giving me an error of 'Subqueries ar…
3 replies
I like to display one decimal point with the result division. For example, 7/12 = 58.3% How to use …
1 replies
Due to sql auditing and conttrol issues imposed within our organisation, I am developing a front en…
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