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We use database tests in our CI environment and these are configured to run on our QA server. This …
7 replies
Currently in my org there is some migration activity going on from sql 2012 to 2016.So currently th…
6 replies
Hi, I'm getting 20180401 111843 varchar value from a table, and I have to convert it to date t…
3 replies
Hi, does anybody know how to change the size of this dialogo box? &nbs…
10 replies
I am attempting to move a database from MS Access to SQL Server. For the most part things have gone…
3 replies
Id like to run query that would display records where the Build Day occurs next week. So if I run a…
2 replies
Given that a unique constraint essentially creates a unique non-clustered index on the table, does …
1 replies
My table column type is clob. Field value contain double quotes id,text_clob,date1 1,"\"data1\",0,…
5 replies
I have some values in a table that need calculations performing on them as follows;DataDate &n…
3 replies
I'm experiencing a weird glitch with the editor in ssms. whenever I press Ctrl+R to hide the …
2 replies
I have a table that has 100's of products in it. I need to identify all unique GROUPs of Products t…
2 replies
Hi all. need some help to remove CURSOR from the following code to get the same result. Will highly…
4 replies
I have a table that I am trying to run mass update queries against. For every Unique Product Listed…
3 replies
I have a table that looks like thisBatch ID | Batch Number | Batch Description | Archive1 | MASTER …
7 replies
All...This is the first time that I have tried a PIVOT... I followed the syntax from htt…
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