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Hello Friends, I want to update sp4 on SQLExpress 2005 edition. Do I need to reinstall the SQL serv…
13 replies
hello, i have big problems using sql server 2005 with access 2010, actually the data base was attac…
1 replies
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumu…
3 replies
Hi everyone, I'm new here but appreciate if anyone can help me out on this. Found this error since …
1 replies
Dear All, Table having data like: (Employee) (Project) (Allocation) (All…
6 replies
hi, I am using following query... SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel 12.…
13 replies
Anybody, Does anyone know of a way that I can pull all of the data from all of my tables in my Sql …
12 replies
We're recently deployed a new application which uses SQL Server 2008 R2 Express for local storage. …
20 replies
I am using SQL Express 2005. A database has reached its maximum size and needs to be shrunk. Prio…
6 replies
My box is running on Windows XP SP3, so I can't run SQL Server 2012 Express. I downloaded the SQL S…
1 replies
Hi there, Is there anyone know how to debug a stored procedure in MS SQL Server Management Studio E…
3 replies
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express ------------------------------ Attach databas…
2 replies
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express ------------------------------ Attach databas…
2 replies
When i run setup of SQL Server 2008 R2 on windows 7 it shows error "Windows is unable to start corr…
2 replies
Is there a list anywhere of the different behaviour of SQL Express? It's things like the Auto Close…
2 replies
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