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What is the difference between a DRIDefault and a normal Default? I've noticed in the SQL-DMO help …
1 replies
Hi there, I have a simple application in VB.NET. On Backup Button, It first add the Backup Device a…
1 replies
When retrieving messages with an ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages call the line termination characters…
1 replies
G'd Afternoon: I would like to know if some one can tell me if is possible to edit an object using …
4 replies
I'm having a bit of trouble working with SQLDMO in VB.NET. The Background: VS.NET 2003 Enterprise A…
2 replies
I believe it's possible to script server logins and database users using DMO but I am failing miser…
5 replies
I use this method to return instances of sql servers to populate my login forms. All has worked we…
2 replies
When I am trying to run given T-SQL on SQL2000 with database compatible-level 65, getting error nea…
4 replies
I am using SQLDMO and ASP.NET to examine database tables. I would like to be able to determine if a…
2 replies
Hello Here is my issue. Certain data is held within my production db that is considered dangerous.…
3 replies
Does anybody know the difference between these two sqldmo flags? SQLDMOScript_DatabasePermissions G…
8 replies
I am fairly new to DMO so maybe I am overlooking something but... I have an app the gets uses dmoA…
2 replies
Hi, I know there is Spool/Spool off feature in Oracle but I am not quite sure whether we have t…
6 replies
Hello all, Is there a way to identify Junction tables in a database using T-SQL? -Isaiah
4 replies
I'm using ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages2() in a VB program and successfully executing an SQL batch …
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