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Anyone have any examples of any code (VB, asp, TSQL?) of replicating Progress database tables …
3 replies
Hi to all. Not exactly a DMO question, but maybe I can get some help. I build an app to manage SQL …
2 replies
How do you get results back from the ExecuteImmediate method with the SQLDMOExec_ParseOnly option?&…
1 replies
I wrote a program that runs at month end, backs up the 'data' database under a different name and i…
4 replies
I have tried to adapt my VB6 code for DMO to list the servers on our network. It fails when it hits…
2 replies
I am trying to complete a very simple VB .NET app which will allow a client to add, remove and do s…
1 replies
Does anybody have an example of how you can use SQLDMO to copy stored procedures from one server to…
5 replies
but what do I actually write DMO in? I'm assuming .net but I don't have that or rather I can'…
1 replies
Hi There, Another fun day of SQLDMO programming and pounding my head against the object model diagr…
2 replies
Is there a way to retrieve the user's default database ?
1 replies
I created a program that will dettach a database at night so it can be backedup to regular tape (vi…
1 replies
I have been having problems with altering a stored proc via DMO. Here is the code that I use.  …
2 replies
Hello, I'm using DMO to BCP some data/tables between databases. It seems that I need to alter…
2 replies
Hi, all I just built a trigger for my table, both for insert and update. The purpose is to log hist…
3 replies
Is it possible to backup a Database to a remote server using SQL-DMO? I know I can do it with T-SQL…
6 replies
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