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I'm trying to learn some PS and i have a script that runs fine PowerGUI, but I can't seem to figure…
19 replies
I've been trying to get a "oneliner" to work for the purpose of traversing through a directory, fin…
1 replies
I am attempting to learn/use PowerShell. The following script should be a simple insert of wmi comp…
1 replies
Hey all, I'm using the PowerGUI Script Editor to work on some scripts, and I'm constantly in fear o…
3 replies
Hello I am now into the world of Powershell. Get-Content gets the contents but how do i read the co…
1 replies
I know I'm doing something silly & stupid, but I can't figure out what it is. Here's the, very…
5 replies
I'm having some troubles with WMI queries. The queries themselves are fine my problem comes when ru…
2 replies
Hi, Is the following code OK for trapping errors while stopping/starting services in powershell scr…
2 replies
I have written a powershell script to search through a folder and find any database backups and res…
2 replies
Hi, I want to write a function that returns a rowset and in turn feeds that to a loop. Here is the …
2 replies
Is there a way to suppress this default output that I get while stopping a service? __GENUS …
1 replies
I have the following lines in my powershell script. The sql-script file is in the same directory as…
3 replies
When running the following I get the error below: get-wmiobject -ComputerName XXXXX -query "selec…
10 replies
There's a great article over at Simple-Talk[/url] on how to script out database objects using Power…
3 replies
Here is my code $a = get-content "C:\CheckSQLServer\sql\SQLTokyo.txt" do { $a = Read-Ho…
1 replies
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