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How can I modify this script to do a couple more features. 1) process only the most current file fr…
5 replies
If there is an Image Column in mssql table and I wanted to use export-csv to dump this info to file…
15 replies
I moved a table from MsSql to Postgresql that had a field defined as Image in Mssql now in Postgres…
5 replies
I have this script that puts all of the output from query to a single file. Could it be changed to …
22 replies
get-ChildItem C:\ -recurse -erroraction silentlycontinue | sort length -descending | select -first …
4 replies
Does anyone have a script\example that would connect to SQL server instance run a query to gather o…
1 replies
Apologies as this has probably been asked. I searched but couldn't find it. I have the following co…
3 replies
I have this script checking a SQL table looking for a result of True in a table. 99% of the times i…
4 replies
I have 5 servers in the servers table . The code is not looping through all servers. Its only going…
7 replies
I've been trying to find an example to parse a record that looks for a Beginning keyword then based…
1 replies
If my server has dashes seems like that is throwing an error -serverinstance at-ts-cblsql is se…
22 replies
All, I'm trying to set up some code in a SQL agent job. The following code works as expected: $sqlC…
12 replies
By: as_1234
I have to scan a bunch of servers for failed logins. As part of this process, I want to get the inc…
11 replies
I have a sql table where the app is writing. A unix timestamp value to the field. I would like to i…
2 replies
$Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem' foreach($Drive in $drives) { #select largest file in…
5 replies
By: mtz676
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