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Created a AWS RDS Instance with SQL Server – Enterprise version and did the default VPC / Securit…
2 replies
By: micherve
I'm looking for a solution where I can add the cloud storage as a shared network drive or folder on…
3 replies
Hi All, I need a sanity check, and hoping someone here can provide it.... Environment: Prod Instanc…
4 replies
I’ve written a little Python script to post to multiple social medias at once, and I want somewhe…
1 replies
We are setting up new data warehouse with Amazon Redshift and building integrations to bring data f…
4 replies
Do you have any experience or resources which can help us understand how can we leverage aws native…
2 replies
Hi, I would like to access my EC2 instances over SSH, which are currently in a private subnet. I wa…
2 replies
By: dina920
Hi folks, I have a single Postgres instance on RDS that in the past I increased the storage capacit…
1 replies
Hi , I have script to extract all users details with password and permissions. But when i execute i…
1 replies
Hi everyone! I've been working with a Fargate app recently and I've managed to make everything work…
1 replies
We’ve been running 400-instance clusters of t3.medium on an on-demand basis during the work week …
1 replies
Hi, I have RDS mssql serer database on aws. for few tables I want to replicate them continuously (o…
4 replies
Hello. I keep reading that to check the expiration date for the AWS Free Tier, you need to check th…
5 replies
Folks. Management is complaining about the expenditure on EBS. We have approximately 2000 EC2 multi…
4 replies
Been searching online but I cannot seem to find the answer. Is it possible to run the downstream ta…
4 replies
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