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Hi was recently offered a job for a SQL Server DBA position with a base salary of $80K in the Phill…
6 replies
I want to ask an open question. Feel free to respond with as much info as you want to share. Typica…
11 replies
Hi sir, In the below coding no compilation error but using this quary i am not getting the answer p…
2 replies
Hi All, My company is looking to hire new SQL develoeprs. What are some good analytical questions t…
66 replies
Hi Experts, Can you please guide me, right im in L2 Core DBA, what is the next step i have to take?…
3 replies
Anyone have any idea how you would price up the following roles? Job sites seem to vary so much... …
4 replies
Normally employers don't ask for just one set of skill such as in one suite of product as SQL serve…
23 replies
I know there are a lot of answers depending on the size and type of organization, so let me qualify…
17 replies
friends, we are hiring BI developer in our NHS trust. We are in Birmingham, UK and trust is UHB NHS…
11 replies
I have now an opportunity to work on a ~5 months .NET and SQL project for a London, U.K. customer. …
2 replies
Hi there, Sorry if this is posted in a wrong place, but I've been trying to find a good spot for it…
3 replies
Hi all, Perhaps all of you from time to time encountered a problem, when a recruting agent asks you…
26 replies
I checked the Forums and I couldn't exactly find the right forum to post this in the Sqlservercentr…
12 replies
By: nzu8946
Hi all, I'm starting a job search. I have a stable job right now but I'm in a jack-of-all-master-of…
9 replies
I've really taken an interest in MS BI development over the past few years and have been considerin…
10 replies
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