SQLServerCentral Editorial

When Would You Go?


I'm doing some (dreaded) planning for travel this year and one of the events that I'll be attending is TechEd. Or at least I'm attending part of it.

If you haven't heard, TechEd 2008 has been split into two weeks this year. There's week 1, from June 3-6, and week 2 from June 10-13. Those are both Tuesday - Friday events and I'm not really interested in staying over the weekend. Though with it being summer, and Florida, and having kids, perhaps I'll get stuck.

I'm not a big traveler, but I do like meeting many of you out there when I do venture away from the ranch. So I'm asking those of you that might go, or are planning on going:

TechEd Week 1 or 2?

I'm mainly taking a straw poll to decide who I might meet up with, but also I'm curious what you think of the split. Week 1 is geared towards developers, and I'm leaning towards going that week. Week 2 is for IT Pros, or the production folks, which is where I fit in, but that stuff's easier for me to learn and work with. It's the developer side that I'm weaker on and tend to ignore if I can 🙂

I'm not sure I like this split. Personally I have always thought TechEd was more of an IT Pro event and the PDF was the developer event. It was a good split and I'm not sure why TechEd needs to have developers coming. It's not like SQL Server or Visual Studio will be released. And the PDC is slated for October this year!

So let me know what you think and when you might come down to Florida and hopefully I'll get to meet a few more of you in the community.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

The podcast feeds are now available at sqlservercentral.podshow.com to get better bandwidth and maybe a little more exposure :). Comments are definitely appreciated and wanted, and you can get feeds from there.

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Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

I really appreciate and value feedback on the podcasts. Let us know what you like, don't like, or even send in ideas for the show. If you'd like to comment, post something here. The boss will be sure to read it.


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