Today we have a guest editorial as Steve is away on sabbatical.
I find it interesting that IT professionals are sometimes characterized as grumpy or negative. Sure, we have all probably worked for or with a few curmudgeons in our career. Perhaps you might even be known as a “grumpy” DBA or Developer.
Now don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of things to be negative about at work. Some requests that come in are mind blowing and you might wonder what people were thinking when they made that request. Co-workers or managers can be unreasonable in what they are asking of us, like when the time frame we are given to complete a task might seem impossible. Or perhaps we are grumpy because we haven’t had our morning coffee yet. Maybe you like being seen as grumpy so that people might think twice before they come into your cube/office with a request.
I know I feel grumpier at work when I focus on negative things. Instead, we should try to remember what is positive in our work environment. Perhaps some of your co-workers are good people to work with. Maybe you are allowed to work flexible hours. You might just be thankful to be doing something that you are good at. Often we get paid pretty well. Sure, it would be nice to make more money, but as an IT professional we can make a good living. Maybe there are free snacks or pop in your lunch room.
I am finding that when I feel negative about work or a work project, it tends to spiral into a more negative situation and a grumpy attitude. Even if the work project is negative, there are still other things I can be thankful for. So my question is: What is one thing you can be thankful for today? My hope for all of us is by focusing on the positive things we might just have a better day and be a little less grumpy.