SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Leaves Are Changing, But Why?


I've recently moved house from Massachusetts to Oklahoma. Long story. Anyway, sitting in my new office looking out at the trees, some of the leaves are starting to change. Ah, Fall. Lovely Autumn colors...


Actually, something else is going on. Only a few trees are changing color. Word is, we've been a little dry recently. Those trees are changing color because they just don't have enough water. They're turning brown a little prematurely. After all, it's still effectively summer here in Oklahoma (101 degrees two days ago, 38.3 for the rest of the world).

We make assumptions based on observations. However, sometimes, even though we're accurate in our observations, we're not so accurate in our assumptions. When it comes to technology, we really do need to focus on ensuring that we know the true root cause of issues rather than make assumptions based on incomplete data. Get a complete picture before you start making changes to systems. Otherwise, you really could create more problems than you fix.

The trees are still pretty though.


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