SQLServerCentral Editorial

SQL Crossword #1


Enjoy our first crossword puzzle and see if you can solve all the clues. The key will be posted tomorrow.


2. Column1 + Column2 is a ______ column.

5. Determines which set of characters is being used in a non-unicode column.

8. Only one of each value is allowed.

9. A query within a query

10. Parent element

11. Switch to the secondary automatically when the primary fails.

12. The index can go up (asc) or down (desc)

14. Change the database immediately by rolling back all open transactions.

16. A transaction is kept separate from all other transactions until it's completed.


1. Last option to fix database corruption

3. GO

4. Indexes that uses more than one column.

6. End a transaction successfully.

7. Once a transaction is complete the changes are permanent.

13. 1 or 0

15. Alternate name

The answer key is in this PDF.



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