SQLServerCentral Editorial

Poking the Bear


If you're an experienced, knowledgeable, seasoned (I won't say old), SQL Server data professional, and you choose to use Trace Events (Profiler), more power to you.

That's it. That's all I have to say. Do what you think best. I'm never, ever (again), going to second guess you. Further, my apologies for ever having done so in the past. It's literally none of my business and I was wrong to have presumed otherwise. I'm sorry.

However, if you're teaching Trace Events to the new kids, I think you're wrong.

I totally understand why you want to continue using Trace. See above. I support you. I don't understand why you would choose to have new people, who are likely only ever going to work on newer versions of SQL Server, and working with cloud technology, learn a technology that hasn't grown or improved in 14 years and only partly works in the cloud. The only exception, if you're teaching these new people 2008R2 or less (and if so, I'm sorry for your pain).

These are new, fresh, people, learning cool new tech, why inflict old school methods on them? You wouldn't trot out Query Analyzer (also from SQL Server 7) as a way to write queries in SQL Server 2022. Why teach them a monitoring tool from 1998?

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