Social Software
More and more companies are looking to use social software, like Facebook, to link employees, but is this a good thing?
173 reads
More and more companies are looking to use social software, like Facebook, to link employees, but is this a good thing?
173 reads
Coming up with ways to do things automatically with software can be a boon to productivity, but not every idea is a good one.
102 reads
How disruptive is the annual college basketball tournament to work? Steve Jones doesn't think it's a problem.
47 reads
The Federal Communications Commission doesn't get a good report on it's data handling and management processes.
58 reads
A look at some of the interesting database news from the previous week (March 24, 2008).
197 reads
As humans we look to share with each other, but there are times that this can be a bad thing. Steve Jones has a poll asking you about your sharing habits.
75 reads
How often do you have those fire drills, testing what you would do in the event of an emergency. Would you be satisfied with a 30% success rate?
88 reads
An idea that could save time and resources for backup and recovery in SQL Server.
381 reads
SQL Server isn’t used much for web-based applications, simply because the cheapest ISPs use Linux and Apache for their platform. There are ISPs that provide a .NET platform and SQL Server but it is at a cost. SSDS seems to be Microsoft’s latest attempt to break into the market for database-driven websites.
140 reads
239 reads
I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...
Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...
By Steve Jones
A new feature added to Redgate Monitor Enterprise automatically. CIS compliance is something many...
Hello, I’ve been trying to install Ms SQL Server 2005 for over two weeks...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item How to Repair Corrupt MySQL...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Funny Dynamic SQL
What happens when I run this code:
EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';See possible answers