Legal Liability
Are database professionals liable for the security of their data? Should they be? Some think so, but Steve Jones thinks this is a bad idea and we might need protection as data professionals.
75 reads
Are database professionals liable for the security of their data? Should they be? Some think so, but Steve Jones thinks this is a bad idea and we might need protection as data professionals.
75 reads
As database professionals, we know that we are responsible for the security and integrity of the data in our systems. But Steve Jones wonders if you know what legal responsibilities you might have.
137 reads
As Information Technology workers become more wired, with more demands, and less benefits, should they consider unionizing.
45 reads
More and more technology workers are being asked to sign non-compete agreements as a condition of their employment. But is that fair? Steve Jones has a few thoughts.
159 reads
As DBAs, we don't often deal with the human interface side of the applications that we build, but it is important. And we want to be sure that anything we develop considers the end user's perspective. Steve Jones asks how much should this matter?
97 reads
Blogging is increasingly becoming a part of more and more people's lives. But to what extent should it be part of your corporate image? Steve Jones has a few comments about a very interesting blog he found.
88 reads
148 reads
With the Labor Day holiday in the US, Steve Jones takes a break from writing and brings you a compilation of mistakes from the past few months.
427 reads
IBM is testing a new hardware disk array that vastly outperforms any current arrays. What does this mean for the database world?
231 reads
This Friday's poll looks at vacation and how you prepare to be unwired. Steve Jones talks about some of the things you can do.
67 reads
By Steve Jones
lilo– n. a friendship that can lie dormant for years only to pick right...
I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...
Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...
Hi I am working on a rolling average calculation that is not working quite...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Subscribing to a Great New...
Hi, is there a way when using excel as a flat file source in...
What happens when I run this code:
EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';See possible answers