Dreaming of Clouds
Day four of a "Week in the Clouds" has Steve Jones dreaming of some exciting possibilities for SQL Server and cloud computing.
246 reads
Day four of a "Week in the Clouds" has Steve Jones dreaming of some exciting possibilities for SQL Server and cloud computing.
246 reads
Continuing on with a "Week in the Clouds", today Steve Jones discusses some of the challenges of cloud computing.
537 reads
Continuing on with his week in the clouds, Steve Jones looks at how SQL Server might appear in the cloud world.
272 reads
This past week saw the release of Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2008, and some interesting changes with it. Steve Jones comments.
243 reads
Managing your time is a skill that is important in your career. Steve Jones talks a little today about why you might want to develop this skill.
124 reads
Evaluating risk is something we do every day. Steve Jones talks a bit about using this to make ourselves better.
93 reads
During a "difficult period", a developer often sinks from view. When things are going well, suddenly they are the gunslinger, the hotshot. The DBA often looks on wistfully. For him, the "fame trajectory" seems to work in reverse.
1,112 reads
Is the next data center for your SQL Servers going to be portable? Steve Jones comments on some of the changes being put forth by Microsoft and others.
90 reads
1,508 reads
This month Steve Jones looks at the problems in the auto industry along with a link to the cars most likely to be caught speeding.
136 reads
By Steve Jones
One of the neat enhancements made to Flyway was the addition of state-based workflows...
I did a couple of posts previously on dumping/restoring Azure PostgreSQL databases and also...
By Brian Kelley
Most of us know that spending a lot of time on social media and...
Have an interesting scenario - user found a discrepancy with rows returned when running...
I am using the query listed below. USE GAGETRAK_26237 SELECT G.Gage_ID 'ID', G.Model_No 'Model',...
I have an issue when a stored procedure is executed from the SQL Server...