Practice Those Scripts
A database script caused a large outage for Salesforce. Steve wonders if you have ideas on how to prevent this type of issue in your environment.
429 reads
A database script caused a large outage for Salesforce. Steve wonders if you have ideas on how to prevent this type of issue in your environment.
429 reads
The technologies that we see in other data platform products sometimes flow to SQL Server.
249 reads
Many of you reading this will be responsible in some way for managing a system. This might be a test/development system or a production one, but often you want to know how well the system is working. Or maybe you want to know if the system is working at all. Even developers care if their […]
239 reads
Computer network security is important, and it's something we ought to be more concerned with as data professionals.
276 reads
The question this week deals with tools. Steve Jones is looking to see which tools are preferred by most database developers.
2019-06-17 (first published: 2015-03-27)
1,237 reads
Many of us checked to make sure it wasn’t April Fools Day a couple of years ago when Microsoft announced that SQL Server 2017 would run on Linux. This means that some shops who want to run SQL Server, but not Windows Server, now can. But it also means that SQL Server professionals need to […]
207 reads
2019-06-14 (first published: 2015-05-19)
586 reads
Windows 7 support is ending, but Microsoft doesn't have a good plan for home users. Steve notes that the OS upgrade treadmill ought to come to an end soon.
186 reads
This week Steve Jones wonders if we work too much. Do we give more to our employers than they give to us?
2019-06-11 (first published: 2015-12-18)
1,034 reads
Kathi Kellenberger discusses the challenge of deciding how to describe the content in the sessions she presents.
348 reads
By James Serra
There are three Azure SQL products with so many different deployment options, service tiers,...
By Steve Jones
I hosted this month’s T-SQL Tuesday party with my invitation asking about tracking permissions....
By Steve Jones
I was asked to do some a little thinking and brainstorming recently. Rather than...
I just learned that my database was created on my C:\ drive in the...
I am needing to migrate a MSSQL db to MySQL, on a different server...
Hi we run 2019 ssas std. Yesterday i imported my tabular project to vs...
I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).
BACKUP DATABASE [complex] FILE = N'thirdone' , FILE = N'thirdtwo' , FILEGROUP = N'second' TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 GOSee possible answers