SQLServerCentral Editorial

No Backdoors


Every once in awhile I hear about someone in law enforcement sure that tech people can build in a safe, secure way for data to be unencrypted by the company or vendor. The latest appears to be from Australia, where the Security Intelligence Organization wants tech companies to build this into products.

Backdoors never work. Anytime an encryption key is stored, it could be stolen. We see this all the time. Keys are just data, and companies lose data all the time. At scale. Governments are certainly not immune from this. One of the reasons that Azure allows a BYOK (bring your own key) for encryption mechanisms is that many organizations don't want to trust Microsoft to store their keys. I'm guessing Microsoft doesn't want the liability, either.

Many of the data protections an organization might implement are outside the scope of data professionals, but we certainly have responsibilities in this area. We should certainly manage our keys appropriately, and my recommendation for many people is that they have a separate repo and pipeline for the deployment of privileged objects, such as encryption keys. Your organization also ought to have a process (and test it) for key rotation. Keys expire relatively infrequently and the person who last rotated the key might not be available when you realize this process needs to be completed.

It's especially important everyone knows how this works for those emergency situations where something expires and none of you realize there's a problem until a client calls.

There are plenty of other security mechanisms we ought to be using. Secure your backup files and limit access to shares or even processes that move these files around. In general, limit access to those who need access to everything. Using organizational groups is the best way to do this, along with regular audits to ensure that those who change jobs are removed from groups that aren't needed. I haven't seen any organization that has a good process for knowing what positions need what access. I often only see people given new access for a role change, giving them the new roles that match some other employee. This is usually done without any previous access removed when it is no longer needed. The most senior people often have the most access, not because they need it, but because they keep getting new roles.

Managing security with roles too granularly can become a nightmare, though ensure you use roles everywhere you can while trying to limit the numbers of roles. For most databases, we are giving access to nothing or everything, but there are reasons to limit access for certain data. You might consider two roles by default in most places: one for privileged users and another for everyone.  Easy to ensure new objects get grants to one or both roles and let access be managed by role membership.

Keep it simple, but keep it secure.


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