SQLServerCentral Editorial

Independence Day 2022


Today is July 4th, Independence Day in the US. While many countries have a similar day marking a similar milestone in their history, I live in the US, so it's a holiday for me and I usually take the day off. Always a good time to rewatch Independence Day, though this year I may take a little time away from chores and watch the sequel, just because I haven't seen it.

While it's a day of celebration here, it's often a day that somewhat marks the halfway point of the year for me. Just over six months are gone and almost six more to come. I usually look at these milestones and think about whether it's been a good year, am I approaching life as I want to, and are there things I might want to change for the next half of the year.

2022 has been great for me, and I can't complain about anything. I've gotten to travel, I had a great season coaching kids, my kids are all 21+ adults and doing well, I'm healthy, and I couldn't really ask for more. The second half will continue things, though with a little less travel. April/May/June was a rough stretch of time away from home.

Hopefully you can say that 2022 has been good for you, but if not, what will you change in the second half?

Happy Fourth of July.


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