SQLServerCentral Editorial

Hopes for vNext


It's been quite some time since the last version of SQL Server was released. SQL Server 2019, v15, came out on Nov 4, 2019. Since then we've gotten 10 CUs, but no new version in 18 months. The pandemic likely slowed things down, but with vaccines being delivered and offices starting to slowly open, I suspect we will see more work on the vNext version of SQL Server.

With the last few years, there has been a lot of growth in cloud computing, more concern for data privacy and security, not to mention plenty of need to support larger workloads. This week, as I think about the next version, I wonder if you have any wishes or desires for what you would like to see? While Microsoft has a feedback area for SQL Server, it gets cluttered and full of bugs as well as suggestions.

As we start June this week, what things would you like to see added or fixed in SQL Server v16? While I think the platform is quite mature and capable, there are still bugs and plenty of room for improvement in existing features, as well as adding new ones.

Most of the work I do is easily handled by SQL Server. Maybe it's because I've learned to work around issues and within the capabilities, but I find the platform stable and strong. I would like to see a little more work on the language to enable better unit testing. I like tsqlt, but it works around some issues. We need better ways to setup and handle tests across all of the language.

On the administration front, I think we need better auditing abilities that are easy to setup and use. The current SQL Audit feels immature and clunky. I'm not sure what should change in security, but certainly we have continuing needs to improve the platform to handle additional threats from hackers, as well as the privacy of data and individuals.

If you have specifics, add them to the feedback area and post a link here. Maybe you can get enough votes to convince Microsoft to build something you want.


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