SQLServerCentral Editorial

Holiday parties: Do you love them or hate them?


Today we have a guest editorial as Steve is out of the office.

It is getting to be that time of year when many places of work have some sort of get together. I remember at one time, long ago, they were labeled Christmas parties. Now, I think they have to be labeled Holiday parties so no one is offended. Sometimes people are too easily offended.

I have stated in a previous article that I believe a majority of database professionals and developers are introverts. That often means they don’t attend company parties. At the company that I work for, last year’s company party had five developer / dba / database type people that attended (including me). There are over fifteen people in my department that are in that group. Sure some of those people didn’t come because of scheduling conflicts, but I am pretty sure a bunch of them just don’t like company parties. In fact, some of them told me outright that there was no way they would go to the company party.

So, why should someone go to a company holiday party? I can think of a few reasons. First, they can be fun. There is often good food and drink to enjoy. If you have a spouse / significant other, this party might be the nicest place you have taken them in a while. You get to know your co-workers a bit better. Getting to know your co-workers better often leads to better communication and interactions at work. Some companies have giveaways and free prizes at their year end parties.

So why don’t people go? Starting or having conversations is hard and can be awkward. Maybe you don’t have a spouse or significant other to go with you. Perhaps, you really don’t like your co-workers and can’t imagine spending more time with them would be fun. Some people, just feel awkward in social settings.

Well, let me let you in on a little secret. I am not sure that anyone is totally comfortable at a company party. Everyone is pretty much in the same boat. Most people aren’t great at starting or holding a conversation, so go prepared. Think about potential questions you could ask people. Things like, do you have kids (assuming they have a spouse)? Be ready to answer your own questions even if they don’t ask you the same question back. It is surprising how often you can ask someone a question and they don’t even have the presence of mind to ask you the same question back. You can talk about how the local sports team is doing. You can ask what their hobbies are and share with them some of your hobbies. Before you know it you might be enjoying yourself.

Have a plan. Don’t end up just sitting/standing by yourself, or following around the one person you have a decent relationship with. Push yourself to talk with new people. Be interested in other people and what they have to say. The only other advice I have is don’t drink too much. A little bit to drink can make you feel more comfortable, but you don’t want to be the person that got wasted and made a complete fool out of themselves.

Does your company have a holiday party? Why or why not are you going to attend?


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