SQLServerCentral Editorial

Happy New Year 2025


Happy New Year 2025!!!!!

Hopefully, none of you are working today and reading this on the 2nd, 3rd, or if you're lucky, the 6th.

I'm off today, but I find myself thinking back to my introduction to SQL Server, on Dec 31, 1991, when I went to work and had to help install and support a new SQL Server 4.2 instance on OS/2 1.3, both new pieces of software to me. As the evening progressed, we realized neither the software nor the database server were stable under load and I opened 1992 by working the entire day trying to keep a system running.

How the world has changed. I haven't worked out of hours on an install or upgrade in years, however, I know many of you still get stuck doing work after your core hours of work. Some of you still have all your normal responsibilities from Monday-Friday. These days, most of the times I'm working outside of normal hours, it's for some sort of social event for marketing, sales, or another group. Much easier to handle those situations, and (usually) much less stress.

Enjoy the time off and I wish all of you  an amazing 2025.


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