SQLServerCentral Editorial

Enriching Your Life


As I was looking to build career goals for the new year, I think mostly about technical topics. That makes sense, given my focus and job, but I ran across an interesting thread on Hacker News that asked about skills to work on in 2020, and not necessarily technical ones.

I did find it interesting that one of the first comments was self improvement, and quite a few comments on cooking, both as a skill to learn and a way to save money. There are plenty of comments on other non-technical skills, but since this is a technical site, I wanted to focus there.

We're over a third of the way into the year, and we're dealing with a pandemic. Business is slow, many people have lost employment, and it's possible many more will. Fewer companies are hiring, so there is a need to stand out more if you find yourself looking for a new job.

With that in mind, what types of things would you work on if you knew you'd need a new job by the end of the year. Let's say that you have seven months to prepare to look for a new job on Jan 1. What would you work on?

Leave a comment and let us know today.


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