SQLServerCentral Editorial

Dreams of the Future


One of the inspirations for the podcasts here (WMV, MP4, and MP3) came from Cali and Neal over at Geekbrief. I stumbled onto their site while researching the idea and have been following them ever since. They're more Apple-oriented and gadget focused, but I like their style for the briefs.

They're a couple in their 20s and they've had some success with their show. So when I heard that they were not renewing the lease on their home and instead were looking to plan a Big Trip, I was very interested.

Their plan is to purchase an RV of some sort and spend a year traveling the 50 US states (flying to Hawaii at some point) beginning this May. They'll continue to produce their show on the road and hopefully meet up with some interesting people. Maybe I'll convince them to stop by the ranch along the way!

I'm not much of a traveler, putting my foot down to too much travel for work or pleasure, somewhat to the dismay of my boss and wife. In fact, as you read this I'm likely at a Red Gate Summit in Boulder where our publishing group is spending a few days to do some planning for the year. Mostly because I don't want to fly anywhere, especially the UK.

I'm not sure what bothers me so much. Part of it is the hassles of packing things up, part of it is the change of environment, and I think quite a bit of it is the unsettled feeling of being out of my environment. My wife is pushing me a little to travel more, so we'll see how successful she is.

However we have talked about taking a year or so off and traveling the country when our kids move to college. We would probably choose a fifth wheel trailer so we (she) can take horses along and presumably she'd teach horsey-things and I'd write or relax or something else. As long as I have a laptop (and now camera), I can work anywhere. I'm actually somewhat looking forward to it and I think that being settled into a space, even if that space is movable, doesn't bother me as much.

So as these two high-tech geeks hitting the road, I'm interested to see how Neal and Cali do. And hoping to learn a few things as well for my own Big Trip.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

The podcast feeds are now available at sqlservercentral.podshow.com to get better bandwidth and maybe a little more exposure :). Comments are definitely appreciated and wanted, and you can get feeds from there.

Overall RSS Feed:

or now on iTunes!

Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

I really appreciate and value feedback on the podcasts. Let us know what you like, don't like, or even send in ideas for the show. If you'd like to comment, post something here. The boss will be sure to read it.


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