SQLServerCentral Editorial

DMO Word Scramble


Unscramble the DMOs and match them with the clues below.

  • sys.dm_ionk_isgttssaa_w
  • sys.dm_uqe_ten_ceplxtyr_axe
  • sys.dm_nnaoiar_strst_asessncinto
  • sys.dm_tn_ecisooenccexn
  • sys.dm_rsa_urinaecanntntttr_cor
  • sys.dm_akstc_ornl
  • sys.dm_sys_oo_fnsi
  • sys.dm_fitoai_ta_irll_setvsu
  • sys.dm_rxee_seuqtsce
  • sys.dm__efdacb_ass_iglueep
  1. most_recent_sql_handle
  2. What's doing something?
  3. Get the query plan for just one query within a batch.
  4. Reads per database file
  5. Number of CPUs
  6. What's waiting?
  7. My transaction
  8. Held locks
  9. Starting point to find out who has a given transaction open
  10. Size of data files on current DB

I'll post the answers into the comments within a day or two of the puzzle posting.


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