SQLServerCentral Editorial

Creating Documentation


Who should create documentation for software? In many companies, it's the developers. In fact, in Redgate, often our developers are tasked with updating articles for products on our documentation site. We do have a streamlined process that has developers can submitting changes in some format (markdown? ) and an automation process that automatically updates the site as part of a release.

However, we also have marketing people who are in charge of external articles and communications. They ensure that our product learning and university content is updated. They work with technical people to produce, edit, and publish content. These could be developers, advocates such as Grant or Ryan, or even partners. Our Friends of Redgate also help with content.

Who should write and update documentation? Developers might best know how software changes, especially for new features. I know that developers also hate this chore, and I think they often don't have the best perspective because the documentation should explain how I use things, not how I built them or just how I expect them to work. Developers sometimes just want to document how they expect the software to work.

At the same time, marketing or some other area might not be aware of changes, necessitating more handoffs from the development teams. That can be a bottleneck in a DevOps flow. Of course, some of this process could be automated, like sending release notes to marketing. However, there is also the need for someone technical to review changes, which can require more resources. It could also mean marketing people ask developers to review changes, taking up their time anyway. If developers are like me, then they might just want to handle it themselves than communicate changes and still have to review someone else's writeup.

There probably isn't a hard and fast rule. Not everyone communicate the same, or even that well. Writing is a skill, and while I might ensure all developers work on this skill, I might also try to lean more on those people that communicate well to ensure docs are updated for our clients.

If you are building internal software, perhaps you forgo documentation entirely. I could see developers having a meeting with either QA staff or perhaps a business person to teach them what is changing. Then this person gets tasked with training others on the software rather than ensuring any formal documentation exists. Tribal knowledge might be the best solution here.

If you're a developer, would you want to control documentation or avoid it like the plague? Let me know today in the comments.


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